My First Keyboard

9:11 PM Niluh Ayu Mutiara Ariyanti 0 Comments

Cerita ini bermula dari keinginanku untuk bisa bermain musik seperti sahabat-sahabat ku Fanny (keyboardist), Jordi (pianist), dan Julian (guitarist). aku udah punya gitar di rumah, so ketertarikan ku akan musik kini beralih pada keyboard. Saat Jo dan fanny bermain alat musik yang satu ini. adu duh betapa lentik dan manisnya jari-jari mereka! saking terhipnotis nya, aku ampe hampir aja nge-gigit jari-jari jordi! untung aja gak jadi. kalo bener aku lakuin, bisa-bisa sekarat 5 minggu di RS. ckck

Salah satu sebab aku pengen maen keyboard adalah karena lagu-lagu yg ber-genre mellow itu jadi bener-bener indah kalau di mainkan dengan alat musik ini. how sweet the song!
dan lalu aku iseng-iseng minta mama dan papa buat di beli'in hehe.. respon mereka pertama sih biasa-biasa aja jadinya aku sempet berfikir kalau itu impossible.soalnya sebelum aku UN SMP 2010/2011 kemaren, aku baru aja di beli'in hape Nokia-5800 dan baru aja (gak sampe sebulan) yang lalu aku ganti hape lagi tipe Nokia E-71 karena hp TouchScreen batery nya gak bisa bertahan lama, apalagi kalau di pake buat dengerin musik (hobby Gue bangeeeettt! uh). jadi apa mungkin di belikan keyboard lagi ya? kali ini aku gak begitu berharap. soalnya harga keyboard yang lebih dari 3 juta-an. I though

Selang seminggu kemudian, aku minta mama untuk di belikan buku-buku SMA kelas X untuk aku pelajari saat liburan. hitung-hitung waktu liburan akan sangat berguna jika lebih di manfaatkan untuk belajar dan juga karena aku pengen jadi salah satu murid yang tetep menonjol pas masuk sekolah SMA ku nanti hehe. Nah permintaan beli buku ini di setujui., pas hari sabtu, 18 juni 2011 aku, mama, dan papa pergi bareng ke Gramedia Jayapura.

Pas mau nyari buku, mama bilang mau lihat-lihat di bawah dulu dan pergi ke tempat musik. mama dan sempet nanya-nanya soal keyboard di situ. aku yang liat nya bengong aja. "ini cuman mau nanya doang, apa emang ada plan untuk beli'in ya?". eh aku terus di tanyain kira-kira mau yg mana? yeahaaaaa!!! aku mau di beli'in ternyata!!! terus aku milih deh dan kita pulang dengan buku-buku kelas X beserta anggota keluarga baru (loh? anggota keluarga?). Yah aku nganggep Keyboard ini juga udh jadi bagian dr diriku. dan juga aku akan ngingat keyboard pertamaku dari ortu ku ini. mereka bilang ini hadiah karena aku udah dapet peringkat 3 umum di sekolah dgn nilai yang memuaskan banget (alhamdulillah). dan ini surprised banget buat aku.

Biasanya benda-benda pribadi dan kesayangan, selalu aku letakkan di ''Pink Area'' alias kamar pribadiku. kok pink area si? yah soalnya hampir semuanya PINKdi situ hehe. see the pict. I love pink.
aku pengen terus belajar agar bisa mahir dalam memainkan keyboard dan bisa berbakat dalam bidang musik  selain bakat-bakat ku yg lain (MultiTalent)
Dan yang terakhir aku bener-bener berterimakasih untuk mama dan papa ku yang aku rasa udah sangat memanjakan aku :')
kalau aku udah sukses dan bisa nyari uang sendiri, aku pengen bahagiakan mereka yang saat ini udah sangat membahagaiakan diriku. :


HORROR STORY , China Doll The Dangerous Killer Doll

5:19 PM Niluh Ayu Mutiara Ariyanti 1 Comments

Well.. I just try to make my own horror story ..
I ever told this story in my final test in front of my class (IXA) and my english teacher Mrs.Rojana told that i was the best story teller :)

My name is Alice and I still 9 years old. my family and I have moved to the new house since a week ago. It was located in the large lake. I didn't like the place because it's so scary. the sky always covered by the mist and I felt like i lived in a forest without no neighbour. ugh but actually i still had a neighbour who I really hated him too!.he was a grandpa who never talk and had a scary eyes. when i said to daddy to move again to our old house, he said that it was a good place and i was afraid just because i haven't known it. Honestly i heard that they bought it just because it was cheap! I always felt so lonely because my parent always went for work everyday and let me alone. they asked me to go to grandpa's house if they gone. uh i really didn't want! so i decided to stayed at home without nobody when they busied with their own self.

when i was alone and felt so bore in home, i decided to walked around. then i was a little bit surprised to saw the stairs. i thought we had basement! wow.. but mommy never told about it. because i was so curious, I step on the stair and arrive on the base. oh i couldn't see anything because there's so dark. I just saw a doll was sitting down on the chair and a little bit smiling at me? it was a scary smile. i didn't know who's doll it is but because it's my house, so i considered this doll was mine. i gave her name "Susan"

When my parent know i found new doll, they just let me play with it. but when they knew that Susan could speak without they touch anything on it, they felt it was ubnormal! I never got something strange from susan, so what's wrong? Susan is the smart doll. but my parent said susan even could walk and suddenly laugh by herself. I didn't believe it. my parent love to let me alone at home and they didn't want me to have friend anymore. they tried to made me hate and scared to Susan! how could they let me feel so lonely?? they didn't love me. I knew, I knew!

I really felt hurt when my mom said i should throw susan and i couldn't play with her anymore. i just cried so loud until i was so tired and finally fall asleep. tonight my mom would throw Susan, so it was the last day i played with her. on the evening I talked to my doll about my feelings and my pains.
"Susan, you know that i'm so lonely. I feel, I didn't have a friend. but i'm glad to found and have you as my best friend now. but when i have had you, my mom said u're a ghost and she will throw you! and i can't play with you anymore hiks hiks"

When I talked to susan, she saw like she understood what i said and suddenly the eyeball got movement and laugh!  "agh that impossible. i didn't push anything maybe i push something but i forgot" i trid to calm myself down. I spoke to her again.
"Sometimes I also hate my parent. they also didn't have the time for me. they just busy about their own job and don't care with me. i HATE them and i want to life just with you and.. and i don't want to life with my parent ANYMORE!!!"

suddenly the doll was laugh louder and louder then i talked to me
"so Alice, what do you want from me? you hate ur parent? you really hate them? Ok I'll kill them for you, in the midnight before they throw me and we will life TOGETHER AND FOREVER Ahahaha "

"what did u say! I didn't asked you to kill them! hey you just a doll! how could you speak that? although you are the smartest doll. you are the ghost, I don't want to play with you! go furthure from me!"
and I throw her to the basement and tied up her in the chair. I really scared but there's no anyone in home.

I really afraid. she said that she would kill my parent. oh no! in the midninght i had a trouble asleep. under the bedroom is the basement. i heard something broke. it surprised me.
i tried to think in the positive way "That's just a mouse, I know just a mouse"
then I heard someone step on the stair. said and sing
" China doll, China Doll in you basement. susan the china doll in your stairs now tap tap tap... lalalala~ I have arrived in your parent's bedroom. I kill them now! hahaha"

I Heard my mom shout so loud!
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Gghhhooossttttttttt!!!!!!"
I want to go out but i couldn't. so i just tried so hard to sleep until morning.
In the morning I ran so fast as i could to my parent's bedroom. i saw the BLOOD of my parent and they were dead. I was scary, and cry so loud. after the police came, they though the dead of them cause by me but they couldn't find the proof. after the funeral, the grandpa called my siblings to came but my siblings could arrived to my home tomorrow. oh God the grandpa actually a good person. i didn't want to stay home alone again so i asked grandpa Joe (his name, i recently know) to stayed home with me. he promised to guard me.

at the next night, i heard the same sound
"China doll.. China doll in the basement. China doll, china doll in the stairs.. China doll, china doll feeling so lonely and need a blood, I'm so mad with alice because she tied me up in the chair. knock knock, ahahaha the next sucrifice is You Alice!"
Oh God! the cina doll could walked and brought a knife! then I shout
"Grandpa Joe!!!!!!!! help me from this ghost!!!!!!!!"

and grandpa ran as fast as he could and saw what happened. he hit the doll by the knife he has prepared before. it just stuck and lost the leg and the hand of the doll. but it could LENGTHEN! and grandpa tried to hit some part of the doll and the last are the neck and the HEART. finally Susan laugh and dead.

I really shock but grandpa tried to calm me down. he said
"don't to another people alice, they won't believe us. it can be our secret, just both of us oke ?"